Wangari Maathai


of our

"The generation that destroys the environment is not the generation that pays the price"


More plastic

than fish in the

The Ellen MacArthur foundation study suggests that there would be more plastic than fish in the sea by 2050, if we don't act now


Ellen MacArthur


for the


Cassava-based biodegradable materials are decomposable and eco-friendly solutions for seedling bags, planting pineapples and many agricultural processes.




Styrofoam packages are dangerous to your health and the environment switch to a plant-based product that is composterable and eco-friendly today.


Every day, approximately 8 million pieces of plastics finds their way into our ocean

Years to decompose plastic carrier bags (polythene)
years to decompose Take away packs (Styrofoam)
0 %
of plastic wastes are recycled
0 %
of all beach litter is plastic

After decades of introducing the 3R’s (Reduce, Re-Use and Recycle) as a measure of addressing single-use plastics, the environment is still at risk. Eco-Solve Innovations Africa (EIA) is introducing the 4th R (Return to Earth) using degradable technology from natural raw materials (cassava) to produce an alternative product that has the same characteristics as Polythene bags.


This RETURN TO EARTH necessitates the migration of current conventional plastic towards next-generation materials, being biodegradable (taking care of End of Life/waste) and being bio-based (taking care of Source). 

Eco-Solve Innovations Africa (EIA) using degradable technology from natural raw materials (cassava) to produce an alternative product that has the same characteristics as Polythene bags. These biodegradable bags can biodegrade by turning the cassava-based bags into compost when disposed on landfill sites or when buried in the ground within a period of 4-6 months. Polythene (Plastics) takes about 400 years to degrade, and this is dangerous to the environment and a key cause of pollution to water bodies in Ghana and the whole of Africa.

In the view of Eco-Solve Innovations Africa, the honest solution will require the 4th R as part of the solution set for consumers, producers, packagers, and policymakers. The mission of Return to Earth is to advocate, collaborate, and implement “next-generation bio-bags” There is absolutely no reason for the manufacture of regular single-use plastics when the next generation biodegradable materials is available.

It should be noted that this 4R is also not a silver bullet, as human behaviour towards waste and waste management process itself still needs to be addressed continuously.  

Single-use plastics are dangerous to our environment.

The UN Environment Programme’s (UNEP’s) recent report From Pollution to Solution shows there is currently between 75-199 million tons of plastic waste in the ocean, and in 2016 some 9-14 tons of waste entered the aquatic ecosystem. It is estimated that by 2040, this will have almost tripled to 23-37 million tons per year. Plastics are the largest, most harmful and most persistent of marine litter, accounting for at least 85 per cent of all marine waste.

Do you know that 72% of all plastics finally ends up in landfill sites? A new report by the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development Global Plastics Outlook Report, states that only 9% of plastic waste was ultimately recycled, while 19% was incinerated and almost 50% went to sanitary landfills. The remaining 22% was disposed of in uncontrolled dumpsites, burned in open pits or leaked into the environment.